The TEST & EVIDENCE Programme: From Uncertainty to Insight

The TEST & EVIDENCE Programme

Overcoming uncertainty preventing leaders being able to sign off, by identify, testing and evidencing need, engagement and buy-in.


Your team members have clear, focused innovation ideas(s) with business cases – but they need to evidence user engagement in order to get buy-in from you/leadership, before approving next steps or funding costly implementation.  Team members may also have specific options or areas of uncertainty that need testing and validating in order to present a refined solution.


You want your team members with promising ideas to engage potential users to understand and test their assumptions and solutions; In doing so providing evidence of both need and approach (and potentially an early adopter audience) so they can present a detailed proposal and plan for approval.


You work with LVB Creative who design a 8x 2hr session incubation programme over 2-8 months.  The programme supports team members to develop and publish communication campaigns (internally and/or externally) which enable them to test, learn and iterate based on real user insight and feedback (without divulging sensitive info).  These campaigns focus on overcoming areas of highest uncertainty and risk – enabling a clear and evidence proposal to be presented to leadership for consideration and sign off.

  • Clear, concise presentations which evidence the need, engagement and solution. 
  • Insight and learning to refine current and/or future innovation
  • Communication campaign assets
  • Early adopter audience base
Ideal for:
  • Internal teams with high innovation implementation costs
  • Innovation teams with solutions which are unconventional or challenge the norm
  • Solutions which involve high user behaviour chance, engagement or participation