The FACILITATE Programme: From Resistance to Ownership

The FACILITATE Programme

Learn how to turn reticent or under-presented group discussion and ideation sessions into empowered team problem solving, agility and ownership.


As a team leader, you struggle to elicit contributions and relavent ideas from your team during ideation sessions.  This results in potential knowledge, opportunities, specific voices being missed, and an increased risk of employee disengagement – as team members don’t feel heard, understood or valued.  This situation also results in lower buy-in, pro-activity from your team in executing proposed solution and actions – increasing the demand on you as the team leader to ‘hand-hold’ and micro-manage. 


You want your team to feel confident and skilled to contribute relavent ideas and insights – subsequently enabling them to take greater ownership and initiative within solutions and actions; freeing you up to focus on bigger picture opportunities and strategies. 


You work with LVB Creative to understand the psychology and communication of innovation, and receive coaching in how to empower team ideation and contribution.  Then, using LVB Creatives proven innovation communication process, you co-design and learn to deliver a tailored framework(s) to embed the application of this learning long term. 

  • Tailored framework(s) for delivering your own effective, efficient, embedded ideation facilitation long term,
  • Skills and confidence in ideation, idea development, communication, problem solving and leadership
  • Greater team engagement and agency long term
Ideal for
  • Team leaders who want to support their team to be less dependent on them for all the answers, and to empower future leaders.
  • Team leaders working with creative, highly technical and/or neurodiverse team members
  • Team leaders not familiar or comfortable with innovation and high uncertainty projects