The DELIVER Programme
Empower inexperienced and overwhelmed employees innovators with the accountability, leadership and communication skills to progress and deliver projects.
Your team lack the skills and/or confidence to implement and deliver innovation solutions. This may include a lack of leadership confidence, the communication skills to gain buy-in, or they struggle when faced with uncertainty.
You want to ensure team members have the skills, support and accountability to see ideas and innovation through to implementation and delivery – while also upskilling them with leadership, communication and problem solving competency and confidence.
You work with LVB Creative who deliver an innovation delivery and accountability programme to supporting grass roots innovators through the process of their project delivery. Group and 121 coaching is provided to overcome communication, leadership, and problem solving challenges which arise throughout the innovation process; which can including everything from communicating the brief, engaging teams, gaining buy-in, inspiring collaboration, imposter syndrome, dealing with critics, overcoming uncertainty etc.
- Increased quality and speed of innovation output and impact
- Higher rate of project delivery
- Communication, leadership and problem solving skills and experience
Ideal for
- Teams wishing to develop future leaders
- Innovation teams with solutions which impact multiple departments/stakeholders
- Teams inexperienced with innovation and uncertainty