The ACTIVATE Programme: From Apathy to Engagement

The ACTIVATE Programme

Unlock the silence of unspoken ideas; find new voices, insights, and employee engagement.


To implement your strategy and/or relavent innovation (ie. ESG/sustainability strategy), you need insight and specialist knowledge, experience and ideas from wider employees and/or specific teams.  However they are hesitant to share, due to lack of time, confidence or not understanding the relevancy of their knowledge.  This leads to reduced quality, impact and engagement with the innovation solutions and wider strategy. 


You want to empower employees and teams to contribute relavent insight and ideas, so they feel heard and are more invested in the strategy and solutions, while also reducing potential resistance to subsequent changes. 


You work with LVB Creative to deliver an employee innovation and engagement campaign.  This includes communication support to introduce and educate employees about the campaign aims, followed by accessible, non-threatening ideation sessions in the form of lunch-and-learns, webinars, Q+As, etc.  From these sessions, promising individuals and early ideas can be identified, and the opportunity to provide further engagement and support as required. 

  • Engagement and educational communication assets about strategy and campaign
  • Employee engagement; building both trust and engagement in campaign aims
  • Identification of early stage ideas (and promising individuals)
  • Employee skills and confidence in ideation, problem solving, communication
Ideal for
  • Enterprise wide strategies and initiatives, such as ESG, DEI, CSR digital transformation, mental health etc
  • Cross-departmental innovation 
  • Teams with low levels of experience and/or confidence